Aviso Legal - Yeguada Campa La Selva S.L. Caballos de Pura Raza Española

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Aviso Legal

In compliance with the Llei 34/2002, on July 11, on the services of the electronic information and commerce society (LSSI), the report that presented it on the website at http://caballos-sb.com / owns YEGUADA CAMPA LA SELVA SL, with NIF B17441544 and domiciled on the C63 road km 13,600 17411 Vidreres Girona with electronic mail info@caballos-sb.com, d'ara endavant «l'Empresa».

General Conditions d'ús: The present general conditions d'ús, regulate the terms and conditions of access and use of the web request, owner of the Company, that the user of the Portal has to arrive and accept per use Tots els serveis i information that is facilitated from the portal. The mer access and / or use of the portal, of tots or part of the seus contents and / or serveis means the full acceptance of the present general conditions d'us. They also regulate the access and the use of the portal, including the content and the service posts available to the users in and / or through the portal, bé pel portal, bé pels seus users, bé per third. However, the access and the use of certain certificates containing and / or serving may be subject to certain specific conditions.
Modifications: The company reserves the right to modify at any moment the general conditions of the portal. In all cases, it is recommended that you periodically consult the present terms of the portal, since they can be modified.
Obligations of the User: The user has to respect at all times the terms and conditions established in the present general conditions of the portal. The user expressly states that he will use the portal diligently and assumes qualsevol responsabilitat that may derive from the lack of compliance with the rules. Així mateix, the user will not be able to use the portal for a transmetre, emmagatzemar, divulge promoure or distribute data or contents that follow carriers of viruses or qualsevol altre codi informatica, arxius or programs dissenyats per a interrupt, destroy or impair the functioning of qualsevol computer or telecommunications program or equipment.
Intellectual and industrial owner: The contents of the Company's website are the owner of the Company. For the present it is a total reservation that is not explicitly stated. The reproduction, transfer, distribution or emmagatzematge of the contents is prohibited, as follows in part or in full, per qualsevol mitjà, sense l'autorització prior per written de l'Empresa, except for the one that is established in the following conditions. The company is allowed to browse by the seva web page with the seu computer and print copies of extracts of theaquestes pages exclusively by the seu ús personal and not by the seva distribution, except in the case of authorization per written de l ' Company.
All the documents on our website may be subject to other conditions, indicated in these. Els continguts de l'Empresa s'ofereixen web page as appears and according to the availability. The Company does not guarantee the absence of interruptions or errors in the seva web page.
The Company reserves the right to revise the page or to prevent access to that page at any given moment. The company and its symbols are registered marks. Other products or names of companies listed on this page are or may be registered trademarks of their respective owners.

Responsibility: The user will be solely responsible for the infringements in which it may be wrong or the damages that it may cause due to the use of the web page, the Company will be responsible for the qualification based on the use of the service for the user, Assume the user quantes deseses, costs and indemnitzacions follow requests to the Company with motiu of claims or legal actions. The Company declines any responsibility regarding the information that is provided by this website and not managed directly by your website manager.
In the case that the Company continues to be advised of the realization by the user, through the services provided by the Company of possible activitats that may, without being illegal, against third parties or constitutives of crime, the Company may rescind the Immediately the relationship with the user will be followed and the following measures are necessary to avoid the continuation of such activities.
The Company will not be responsible for possible damages or damages that are caused without deriving from interference, omissions, interruptions, telephone avaries, computer viruses or disconnections in the operational functioning of the electronic system, motivated by causes others to the company from delays or Blockages in the present electronic system causes for deficiencies or overcàrregues of telephone lines or overcàrregues in the Internet system or in other electronic systems, així com de Danys that may be caused by third parties mitigating intromissions il·legítimes fora of control of the company

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